May 7, 2012

Before and After Monday

The After

The Before

This is the reason I shoot in RAW. This calf ran up to me unexpectedly, and I managed to get one quick shot before he ran off. I didn't have time to adjust for the correct exposure, but luckily the RAW file had enough there to work with. This was completely processed in Camera RAW, except for the reflection in the eye which was brought out with the Dodge tool in Photoshop. Just by adjusting a few sliders it really brought out the detail in the fur, and the water drops hanging on the fence.


  1. The after shot is warm and wonderful, quite a remarkable improvement.

  2. RAW is the way forward. Can think how i ever managed to shoot anything in JPEG format.

    Lovely little calf

    Shaun Valleys ShutterBug

  3. Sweet shot! Yeah you don't always have time to change your camera settings!

  4. He ran up to you! That's very cool...and cute. Cows...any cow...are a fave of mine. Well done!

  5. What a wonderful capture. Fabulous processing! I love photos of animals of all kinds but there's something special about those big eyes on a young calf. :o)

  6. That's a photo well saved! :-)
    Just curious: I have no experience with RAW at all, so just wondered if the same could/couldn't be done with a jpeg by adding more fill-light and adjusting the colour temperature.
    Kindly explain. Again, I have absolutely no exposure to RAW as I always shot in jpeg and tried to do it all in-camera. Some shots, like this one, really make me wonder if I should consider a switch! :-)

    1. Well, jpegs are processed in the camera. To put it simply, it uses the settings you had on the camera at the time, applies them to the photo, and discards all of the rest of the unused data that was captured when you took the photo.

      RAW is different. It still contains all of the info that the camera could "see" when you took the picture. Although you could lighten a jpeg to show some of the areas that are too dark, you will get much better results trying the same thing with a RAW file. There is just much more data there to work with.

      There are some cons to shooting in RAW though. One is space. It will fill up your memory card much faster. Another is speed. If you are shooting in rapid bursts it can slow down your camera.

      There is a lot more when it comes to RAW vs JPEG, but it could take up the whole page. I'm also no expert. Everyone has their own opinion, but I think 9 out of 10 pros will tell you to definitely shoot in RAW.

    2. Thanks for explaining that. I'll soon explore RAW myself.

